Upply API Data Formats

The Upply API uses various data formats for parameters and responses, all of which follow ISO standards.


The Upply API uses the ISO 8601 standard for dates and times. Date and time parameters should be formatted as follows: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ. For example, January 1st, 2022 at 12:00:00 UTC would be represented as 2022-01-01T12:00:00.000Z.


The Upply API uses various ISO standards for geography, including:

  • ISO 3166-1: Used for country codes. Country codes should be represented as two-letter alpha codes, such as US for the United States or FR for France.
  • ISO 3166-2: Used for subdivision codes within a country. Subdivision codes should be represented as a combination of the country code and a hyphen, followed by a two-letter alpha code for the subdivision, such as US-TX for Texas in the United States.
  • ISO 3166-3: Used for former country codes. These codes are represented as four-letter alpha codes, such as TWNK for Taiwan, Province of China.
  • ISO 4217: Used for currency codes. Currency codes should be represented as three-letter alpha codes, such as USD for US Dollars or EUR for Euros.
  • ISO 8601: Used for time zones. Time zones should be represented as UTC offsets, such as +02:00 for Central European Time.

Postal Codes

The Upply API uses various ISO standards for postal codes, including:

  • ISO 3166-1: Used for country codes. Postal codes should be provided according to the format used in the corresponding country. For example, in the United States, postal codes are represented as five-digit numbers, such as 90210 for Beverly Hills, CA.
  • ISO 3166-2: Used for subdivision codes within a country. Postal codes should be provided according to the format used in the corresponding subdivision. For example, in France, postal codes are represented as five-digit numbers, such as 75001 for the first arrondissement in Paris.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about the data formats used in the Upply API, please contact us at [email protected].