Upply API Documentation

Welcome to the Upply API documentation. This guide will provide you with information on how to interact with the Upply API.

Base URL

Base URL for the Upply Production API is: https://api.upply.com

Base URL for the Upply Sandbox API is: https://api.sandbox.upply.com

HTTP Methods

Upply API for now supports the following HTTP methods:

HTTP MethodDescription
GETUsed for retrieving data from the API.
POSTUsed for creating new resources.


The Upply API provides the following endpoints:

EndpointDescriptionHTTP Method
/pingTest your Authentication method through our Ping APIGET
/smart/benchmarkObtain market benchmark rates from your shipment characteristicsPOST
/smart/ufiAnalyze the market past and future overall prices (under construction)GET
/loadsPost and get live loads for our Connect solution (under construction)GET, POST